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The Appreciation dinner was held on 19 August 2023 at Cherry Club & Restaurant Kota Kinabalu. The President of Sabah Karate Association, Ybhg Datuk Jake Nointin accompanied by his Deputy Ybhg Datuk Herman Tiongsoh were present together with SKA Supreme Councils and Delegates from SKA Districts.

The dinner was held in appreciation for the 5 Sabah athletes who are training with the Malaysian team in Bukit Jalil. They are Amirah Syahirah Azlan, Lovelly Anne Robberth, Naccy Nelly Evvaferra Rojin, Niathalia Sherawinnie Yampil and Carmen Leong Chia Ji.

Amirah, Lovelly, Naccy & Nia have been representing Malaysia in a number of competitions internationally and have produced medals for the country. Carmen Leong is the new recruit who was called by MAKAF to train as Pelapis with the national team.

Ybgh Datuk Jake in his speech congratulated the five athletes and thanked all members especially to the parents who have been a strong supporter to their children and to the association. He then presented the tropies & cash reward to the 5 national athletes who were represented by their parents.

Dtk Jake & the guests
En Azlan receiving for Amirah
En Rojin receiving for Naccy
En Yampil on behalf of Niathalia
En Robberth for Lovelly Anne
Mr Leong for Carmen
Dtk Jake, Dtk Herman & the Supreme Councils
Sensei Alex came all the way from Sandakan…
Its dinner time….
Gentlemen from Main Dojo
VIP Guests
Old friends…Mr Robert & Mr Makedoline
..they were in town
..the coaches
Tuaran & Kemabong
Main Dojo & Tamparuli
Special Guests